Friday, October 29, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Buy Now! $4.70

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Review

Al Franken speaks truth (with a none too gentle humor) to rightwing liars. We need many more like him to counter the tsunami of rightwing talking heads that get away with all manner of slander and egregious lies in their efforts to program the sheeple to comply.

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Overview

Move over P.J. O'Rourke! From Al Franken, America's premier liberal satirist, comes a hilarious homage to the wonderful, awful, and always absurd American political process that skewers a whole new crop of presidential hopefuls--just in time for the 1996 presidential election. "(Franken is) responsible in part for some of the most brilliant political satire of our time".--John Podhoretz, New York Post.

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Specifications

Rush Limbaugh claims his talent is on loan. With this book, Franken demonstrates that he owns. The frankly Democratic author's shtick reminds us how much of a free ride conservatives have gotten in the mainstream media. For instance, he really drives home the weirdness of the conservatives' preachiness about "family values" in light of Newt Gingrich's and Bob Dole's first marriages, and Rush Limbaugh's first, second and third marriages. And he has great fun with Rush's and Newt's miraculous draft deferments in a chapter where he imagines all of the great conservative "chicken-hawks" out on a Vietnam war patrol under the leadership of Ollie North.

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Customer Reviews

narcissism at its best - Kathryn Bengtson - Cheshire, CT
Obviously, this author has some serious ego issues, perhaps narcissism. He is so full of himself and its repulsive. He has failed at what Rush continues to flourish in. Thats the joke. And his other book, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," his face should of been on that cover and also Pelosi, Obama, and Dodd. I couldn't bear to read this nonsense for more than 5 minutes before I was close to vomiting.

I'm a fan of Rush's - Digger's Domain - Minneapolis, MN
So obviously I don't like this book - but that doesn't mean I don't think it shouldn't be read.

In order to make a decision about anyone, you need to see both sides of the issue. Then, it should be easy to see that issues are black and white, someone is right and someone is wrong.

I lean a little on the side of Rush Limbaugh.

If you've got a Kindle, check out The Rush Limbaugh Report. "I listen to Rush Limbaugh, so you don't have to."

Heh heh. Okay, I just wanted to get in that line, which I think is a clever one. But seriously, before making any judgments about Limbaugh, actually listen to his program for a couple of weeks. Yes, he has some annoying schticks, but overall he makes a lot of sense - if you're the kind of person who dreams of America not as it ever was but as it was supposed to be - the ideal, Americns of all races, creeds and colors, legal immigrants, et al, standing on their own two feet and making this country great.

i wonder - PANTERA - gainesville ga.
I wonder how many copies of this book would have been sold WITHOUT the use of "RUSH" in the title.
Conservative principles are ideal regardless of the lifestyles of its proponents.

Know Your Enemy - Rupert Lynus -
Al Franken does not provide ample arguments to dissuade the conservative argument. Turns out that he is the idiot, not rush. There's a reason why his radio show was not only cancelled, but the entire network folded.

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