Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party Buy Now! $3.00

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party Review

This book offers no one an opportunity to undergo an epiphany in regards to one's personal ideology. It is not a book claiming to present some new, untold, or uncovered insight into the political depravity of the Democrats. What the book provides is a brisk retelling of the obstructionism that has become the bedrock upon which the current democrat party rests. Simply stated, Limbaugh manages to recounts the Democrats recent inability to offer any constructive new policies, or meaningful opposition. If you are a democrat, I am truly sorry for the absence of any news ideas among your fellow travelers. It must be rough to stomach the fact that you stand for nothing other than hatred of W. Limbaugh highlights the fact that the democrats stand for little more than that, and in doing so, portrays one of the key reasons that Congress is failing to accomplish any one of the pledges it made in the 2006 campaign.

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party Overview

The Democrat Party, best-selling author David Limbaugh claims, has sold itself to left-wing extremists, losing its mind and soul. Limbaugh charts how the Democrat Party, unable to come to grips with the Clinton scandals, unable to accept the defeat of Al Gore in 2000, and unable to accept its current minority status, has embraced a politics of ideological hate and nihilism.

With his trademark bull’s-eye analysis and common sense, David Limbaugh offers a sobering and shocking portrait of a Democrat Party too morally and intellectually bankrupt to serve our country.

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Customer Reviews

The down fall of the Democratic Party - James W. Stephens - Graceville, FL
If more American's would do there homework on the parties, Haussan would not be the president. The democratic party has fine tuned the art of LIEING. The present problems are all because of BILL CLINTON. In my view the worst president we have ever had.

tell me the difference - K. piercy - chi town
Bad timing for this book considering the Bush Administration is much worse when it comes to moral bankruptcy. Yes, Bill couldn't keep it in his pants (btw what are the new figures on men cheating on their wives?), but George lied about a war (and don't give me this crap that the Intelligence community was just wrong when the Bush Admin made stuff up to make their case look better) so really I think we have to realize that our country is morally bankrupt b/c we elect people that we ultimately associate with. This "city on the hill" attitude is quite comical considering we are the most violent/sexual nation in the world yet David (hanging on the coattails) Limbaugh doesn't address are own short comings - you can't have a book about an administration w/o discussing the people that put them there. In the last 16 years we've put in an arrogant sexual deviant and a murderer/torturer in the most powerful position in the world. Does that really surprise anyone considering what we enjoy - sex and violence?

The Title Says it All - John R. Poirier - Belle Mead, New Jersey United States
A Tour de Force by David Limbaugh, detailing in entertaining prose the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Marxism that animates the modern DemocRatic Party.

Bankrupt - E. Unsdorfer - England
this is a very good read the Democrats are found wanting in this book. all the lies and backstabbing. you will find out that the democrats can't ever be held responsible with the country until the secular progressive are driven out. brilliant read highly recommend it!!!!!

Refurbished Kindle Tempering Chocolate

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