Friday, October 1, 2010

The Obama Diaries Buy Now! $9.08

The Obama Diaries Review

Superb accurate review of O'Bama and his various minions with lots of humor to help make the author's point. Finding it very difficult to wait for my next opportunity to "throw the current White House bums out as well as those in the Congress. They all prove the need for CONGRESSIONAL TERM LIMITS as soon as possible.

The Obama Diaries Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781439197516
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Obama Diaries Overview

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) On May 20, 2010, Laura Ingraham received a package from an anonymous source that will change the history of the United States and the legacy of President Barack Obama. While retrieving her automobile from the underground garage at the Watergate complex (where she had just enjoyed her weekly pedicure), Ingraham discovered a manila envelope on the hood of her car. When she picked it up, a deep baritone voice called out from a nearby stairwell: "Just read it. You’ll know what to do." The shadowy figure then disappeared into the darkness without another word.

The envelope contained copies of what appeared to be diary entries written by President Barack Obama, his family, and high-ranking administration officials. Because the "diaries" are so revealing, Ingraham felt compelled to release them to the American public and the citizens of the world.

Major media outlets love to describe the president as "no drama Obama," but The Obama Diaries tells a different tale. Through these "diary entries," readers will see past the carefully constructed Obama faƇade to the administration’s true plans to "remake America."

In The Obama Diaries, Ingraham hilariously skewers the president and his minions. She takes aim at:

•the cynical "razzle-dazzle" marketing of Obama’s radical agenda

•the use of the Obama "brand" and family to obscure Obama’s true aims

•Michelle Obama’s gardening and anti-obesity initiative; and much more.

Informative and hugely entertaining, The Obama Diaries will inspire both laughter and critical thinking about the future of the nation and the man currently at the helm.

Excerpts from Laura Ingraham’s The Obama Diaries

Obama on Sarah Palin:

"Hell, doesn’t Palin have anything better to do than criticize me? Shouldn’t she be back home shooting some endangered wolf species from a helicopter?" (April 9, 2010)

Michelle on being First Lady:

"I’ll be damned if all this fabulosity is going to go to waste reading Dr. Seuss to snot-nosed kids all day." (January 23, 2009)

Vice President Joe Biden on Michelle Obama:

"She’s kind of like a black Hillary Clinton. I mean that in a good way."  (May 5, 2009)

Obama on his visit to the Vatican:

"If I can ingratiate myself with a few more of these red-hats, the pope thing might not be a bad follow-up to the presidency."  (July 10, 2009)


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Customer Reviews

horrible attempt at comedy with an editorial on every page - Ryan J. Martin - Harrisburg, PA
I got through about a 100 pages before I had to put this down. Clearly wrote to appease those still uncomfortable with the idea of Obama being president. How anyone can sit down and read a few hundred pages of mock diary entries of poorly written humor with to real point other than to assail the Presidents character is beyond me. At least other books, "Road to Serfdom" critical of Obama try to make legitimate arguments against his policies. I couldn't imagine reading a book like this about George Bush (especially written only a year in to a President's first term).
Since the book is split as two viewpoints from the same author. She will make a mock entry of fictitious events as it were from the view of President Obama; after a page of this she will then include an editorial section mocking basically the "diary entry" she made for what "Obama" wrote. She often uses broad generalizations "TARP exists only to fund his liberal agenda(sic)", something that was started by the last administration. Even as repayments are still being made she cites a late 2009 figure where Obama stated TARP would end up costing taxpayers 141bln, despite the fact that this number has been consistently decreasing (at a 90bln pricetag as of 9/22). With many banks and other recipients paying back with stock options as well, the treasury has been able to yield higher returns on many loans with an additional bln from interest and fees. She cites the 0bln price-tag even though only 5bln was committed to TARP with 7bln already returned. Her painful lack of understanding and research shows. She is often familiar with the fundamentals of the topics she chooses, however glaring inaccuracies based on sources she can never cite make this a truly cringe-worthy book.

Imagine writing a book about lets say, Brad Pitt. You never met him, but you know his movies and you've seen him on the Tonight show. Now you sit down to make faux diary entries to mock him on the set of each film. If it turns out funny, then it's not a bad book I would suppose. But rather than leaving it at that, you take the time to explain on each page why Brad Pitt is such an a-hole for his last entry that you wrote because of the "fact" that he did x, y, and z. You could back these allegations up, but hey it's just a work of comedy so lets not get all caught up with these "facts" things.

If you wanna attack the president, by all means that is your right. But please for the love of god don't just sit there and assail him about how much he likes fried chicken, or basketball or whatever racist stereotypes she could fit in. Then to try and actually attack him for words not written by him but by the author. It's absurd. There are a few books out there raising the serious questions: is a government mandate to buy health insurance constitutional? That American Exceptionalism does indeed mean being the only OCED nation without a universal healthcare option.

Thinly veiled dogma, not at all funny - Sean McKenna - New York, NY USA
I was stuck in an airport overnight and bought this book. Unfortunately is was not much of an improvement from staring at the ceiling.

This book has no conceivable purpose, as a satire or anything else.

Twit discourse... - MikeDevo -
400 pages from this mindless blonde bimbo? Haven't read it. If the library has it, I'll read it for as long as the laughs last, before the nausea sets in.

Good for some laughs.... - Sandra H. Maidment - torrington, ct
if you want to read what some of the Obama Group might really be thinking and saying, this book gives you Laura Ingram's take. In addition to making fun of some of the obvious insincerity, Ms. Ingram spells out some of the inconsistencies and out right lies this administration has invented.

Some of this is funny, some of this is inane. Hope you get some enjoyment from it.

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