Thursday, October 21, 2010

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Buy Now! $14.74

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Review

Read the book. It's outstanding. Thirty to forty percent of Democrats today are hard left tin cup liberals and would vote for ANYONE with a D after their name. They simply are simpletons. Useful idiots. Look at any poll. No Democrat will ever poll under 30-40 percent. The useful idiots or simpletons won't allow it. They have no flexibility, no sense, no moral direction, hate God and Jesus, hate the constitution, want to kill babies by the millions, hate our military, hate and are afraid of guns and the shooting sports, love political correctness and hate America as it once was and what the founders like Jefferson, Franklin and Madison wrote into the US constitution and Bill of Rights, think we are the cause of non-existent "climate change". And we are supposed to take their insane posts on this comment page seriously? No Thanks. They are irrelevant without the other fifteen to twenty percent of real American democrats. You remember the old Democratic Party don't you? That's the party of Scoop Jackson, JFK, Harry Truman and Sam Nunn. You remember them. Honest opposition we respected, not the anti-America progressive-liberal morons that infect the Democratic Party today like Obama, Polosi and Reid. The Democrat Party (i.e., liberals, progressives, Marxists, socialists) is the culture of corruption. The liberals that post here are comparable to the "loyalists" during the Revolutionary War and we know what happened to that kind of scum. They would not fight for our freedom.They were sent packing and tarred and feathered. They objected to a free America. Sound like someone you know? Look in a mirror. Scratch a reactionary, Democratic leftist like those that infest this board, find the fascist writhing underneath. The one star people commenting here are the problem. They are too dumb to realize it.

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781596985971
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Overview

Liberals control congress and the White House. Next on the agenda: your life.

If the Obama administration has one overriding objective—tying together health care “reform,” non-stop meddling in the economy, and hard-Left Supreme Court appointments—it is that big government should make decisions for you. When it comes to how you live your life, Washington bureaucrats know best.

Or so they tell us.

Nationally syndicated columnist Terence P. Jeffrey tells a different story. Jeffrey reveals how liberals are trying to transform America from the limited government of the Founding Fathers into the unlimited government of liberal control freaks.

Jeffrey dissects the relentless liberal attack on every freedom the Founders fought to secure for us, from where and how you live, to your right to criticize your representatives, to what you believe and teach your own children. Provocative—and thoroughly researched and documented—Control Freaks sounds the alarm that Barack Obama and the liberal establishment are stealing our liberties—and shows why we need to wake up and do something about it while they can still be stopped.

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Customer Reviews

Eye-Opening - Dan The Man -
I really enjoyed reading this book. I especially liked the parts about FDR & his court-packing plan, which essentially made liberal judicial activism the law of the land for a generation. I highly recommend this book.

Great title - Archdlux - SC
A good summary of the many, and sometimes subtle, ways these power-hungry maniacs seek to lord over your life.

It's On the Way! - Leonard F. Harview -
Here's another 5 star rating without having read the book as of yet (Just ordered the book off Amazon). My absolute respect for Brent Bozell and the MRC in exposing the treasonous bias and far left wing protectionism provided by the mainstream media is enough for me to pre-judge. Here's hoping for a whacking in the mid-term elections and then on the 2012. Can't wait to hear how the mainstream media reports the hopeful massacre of these out of touch incumbents and non-constitutionalists.

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