Sunday, October 10, 2010

Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying The Military and Endangering Our Security Buy Now! $15.00

Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying The Military and Endangering Our Security Review

Buzz Patterson, a former Air Force Lt. Col. who worked in the Bill Clinton White House carrying the codes for the nuclear football, has even less use for Barak Obama than he did for Bill Clinton. And that is a real counter-achievement. So, if you are an admirer and a supporter of Obama this book will almost certainly upset you.

However, if you want to understand how deep the roots of radicalism are in Obama and why he has governed as radically as he has, this book will be most interesting to you. If you also want to understand how the radical transformation Obama has been trying to push on America is dangerous for our security, I think you will find this book valuable.

The first two chapters explore the radical influences Obama that shaped Obama's youth and the radical associations he brought with him to the Whitehouse. This is very valuable information, especially the exposure of the vast influence of George Soros, and I wish it had been more explicitly stated during his run for office. But everyone was so busy painting him as a moderate they had this stuff under a coat of whitewash.

The next two chapters contrast Obama's image for intelligence, sophistication, and persuasiveness with the reality of his ineptitude, brittleness, crassness, divisiveness, and penchant for force against political opponents and appeasement for our nation's enemies. He would rather bow to foreign leaders than reach across the aisle and compromise his radical agenda.

Chapter 5 explains why using the military as a social experiment in trying to normalize societal attitudes towards homosexuality is dangerous to our security.

The Conclusion of the book discusses how Carter, Clinton, and now Obama have been terrible commanders-in-chief and how their policies encouraged the Jihadists rather than mollified them. The author then provides the "Long war" timeline from the rise of Khomeini in Iran to June 2010 so we can see how all these "isolated incidents" are really of a piece and part of our enemy's strategy.

This is not a long book. The actual text by the author is only 137 pages. Appendix One is a 100 page reproduction of a document by the Center for Security Policy that is quite valuable. It takes us through the day by day security policies and actions of the Obama Administration. When you read them in this fashion the radical agenda of the Obama team becomes clearer and why it is dangerous becomes apparent. You get to see behind the managed media and the obfuscations of this administration.

Appendix Two is another 100 page document: Obama's National Security Strategy. You have to read this to believe how lame it really is. Basically, his plan is to have America become just another nation among nations, accept a world order instead of enhancing our sovereignty, and put all the bad actors into an international time out until the want to work and play well with others. Does this sound good to you? Do you think our looking sternly at people like Hugo Chavez, the Iranian Mullahs, North Korea, or even China carries the least weight? The international state of nature is not a fraternal order where there are accepted norms and shared values no matter what was scribbled on any number of pieces of paper.

Reviewed by Craig Matteson, Saline, MI

Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying The Military and Endangering Our Security Overview

In Conduct Unbecoming, Lt. Col. Robert Patterson—New York Times bestselling author and former Senior Military Aide to President Clinton—exposes how President Barack Obama’s national security policies are weakening our military and endangering America’s safety. From underfunding and misusing the military to his “Apology Tour” across Europe and the Middle East, President Obama has made America more vulnerable with both our allies and our enemies. In Conduct Unbecoming, you’ll discover:

How Obama is not listening to his generals’ recommendations on Afghanistan
How Obama’s first two acts as Commander-In-Chief weakened our national security and military
How Obama’s feckless diplomatic efforts with other countries are severely threatening our national security

Shocking and controversial, Conduct Unbecoming reveals how Obama's disregard for the military and a strong foreign policy is exposing us to unprecedented risks in the 21st century.

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Customer Reviews

Outstanding - SMJAN -
When I cracked this book open I was prepared for what I read only because I knew before Obama was elected what we could expect. Obama never lied about what he wanted to do. Many misinterpreted his words. Now we see he really meant everything he said. Is a man a product of the friends he surrounds himself with? Look at Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Look at how he was raised and who raised him. This is a man who has no one clue about what the United States is all about, nor does he have the slightest connection to the "common" man.
His disregard of the Military, his hogtieing of our intelligence community and his allowing a hard leftist race baiter such as Eric Holder to become the nation's top lawyer proves that Obama not only does not care about the United States, our security, he also has some strange need to force a collective guilt trip down our throats for slights that most likely were formed in the imaginations of his parents, and his mentors. One of those mentors should cause all of us to pause. His name was Frank Marshall Davis, a poet, and member of the Communist Party USA which was a Soviet backed party. He also was on the FBI's list of subverives for decades. Just that relationship alone would make Obama ineligable for any access to security clearances. Add his friendship with Bill Ayers and we have another real question that Obama will never answer truthfully. Barack Obama is not only cooly interpreted correctly by Col. Patterson, the President is also put into context. The author asks how did people get so fooled by Obama? That is a question that after reading this book we should all ask ourselves. Especially those who voted for him.

A Must Read by Patterson - Jeffrey Flight - Colorado, USA
"Conduct Unbecoming" is edification to how liberal and detrimental Barak Obama is to the United States. Robert "Buzz" Patterson has a unique insight to behind the scenes of the Oval Office as illustrated in "Dereliction of Duty". HIs credibility is reinforced as he clearly does his research and first hand interviews with US Troops serving in Iraq. Patterson takes a refreshing approach and does not worry about political correctness.
"Conduct Unbecoming" is a book that cannot be put down until the last page is read. I thoroughly enjoyed the added "Long War" timeline, Appendix 1 (Are You Safer), and Appendix 2 (National Security Strategy) at the end of the book. This book will come off the self frequently as accurate reference material.
Thanks to Robert "Buzz" Patterson for is work and providing all of us with solid arguments against the Left.

Worth reading - Kirk L. - Maryland, USA
When the America-hating leftist and democrat sycophants, apologists and idealogues (or as Mark Levin calls them- the drones) get wind of this book, they'll be here in force to give it 1-star reviews and publish screeds about the author and his motivations. However, before that happens, I'll say that Lt. Col. Patterson lends a credible voice to what is going on in our armed forces under the current administration on behalf of those who are not able to speak out and voice their opinions on what is happening in the military and national defense.

He covers a lot of ground in succinct fashion, starting with the president's background and education: the people, countries and cultures who shaped his worldview and perhaps serve as the real motivation behind his decisions and actions to date.

I won't say much more, but if you liked Patterson's previous works, this one is on par. I still remember how he had to post copies of his written job evaluations in his book on President Clinton showing that he had top-of-the-line ratings so smear merchants couldn't chalk his manuscript up to bitterness over bad job reviews or insinuate that the author was incompetent and not fit for service. No, Patterson is an accomplished former military professional who loves his country and is concerned about our future given recent events.

I found the book to be evenly paced, readable and pretty depressing, to be honest. Pay close attention to the ties to radical figures and their hardcore beliefs that run contrary to traditional American values. The enemy could lay in wait from within, so pay close attention and use this book as a springboard to being more of an active player in the nation's future, because those who sit and do nothing could find themselves confronted with a radically different America from the one they grew up with and whose values they cherish.

So, with that in mind on this solemn commemoration of 9/11-- let the unhelpful votes to this review given by our lefty pals (who would never even bother to read the book) commence!

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