Thursday, October 28, 2010

In the Light of Scripture Buy Now! $11.00

In the Light of Scripture Review

I just finished reading, "In the Light of Scripture: Why Christians Shouldn't Vote for Liberals." It is a well-reasoned argument, backed up with copious scripture references, and quotes from our founding fathers. It brilliantly lays out the evidence that liberal ideology is in direct contrast to Jesus' teaching, and the intentions of those who crafted our founding documents. My favorite chapters were, "God is Pro-Choice, Liberals Aren't," and "The Government Ain't Your Daddy."

The author is up front with his own opinion on the matter, but backs up every point solidly with evidence from scripture, quotes, and news references. His "Endnote" list of references is twelve pages long. The author could have taken a "doom and gloom" approach to situations facing our country, but maintains a determined optimism that God is in control. Liberalism is only the latest entity to attack God, faith, and America, and it will not be victorious in the end. However, we must not sit idly by. God requires action from us, to be good stewards with the freedom and tools we have been gifted in this great nation. This is a must read for every Christian, and every voter.

In the Light of Scripture Overview

What is possibly the one thing that Christians can do that would have a positive impact on our country today? They can stop voting for liberals. In The Light Of Scripture: Why Christians Shouldnt Vote For Liberals takes an in-depth look at why casting a vote for a liberal politician is harmful to our society. Exciting new author Artie Gross takes a look at how Christians are influenced when making their voting decisions and offers insight into how those decisions should be made. Liberal ideas are contrasted with biblical viewpoints on issues such as abortion, marriage, war, and Israel. The importance of not allowing liberals to control the Supreme Court and our schools is brought about with information that will make you stop and think about the direction our is country going. This book takes an unapologetic look at the vast differences between Christianity and liberalism. In no-holds-barred fashion, Artie brings out facts that every Christian should consider regarding the Bible versus liberal policies and explains the consequences of liberal politicians being allowed to make decisions at the local, state, or federal level. Whether you are a Christian or not, this book is a must read if you have any concern for the future of this country. In The Light Of Scripture: Why Christians Shouldnt Vote For Liberals is a dynamic insight into the liberal mindset that every American must be willing to confront. Artie Gross has been employed by the Michigan Department of Corrections for ten years. He earned bachelor degrees in history and psychology from Morehead State University in 1994. He has been involved in local politics and has several ministry duties at Bethany Assembly of God in Adrian, MI. Artie lives in Adrian with his wife, Danielle, and their two sons, Luke and Dale.

Available at Amazon Check Low Price !

Ingrid Betancourt Books Reviews

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