Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party Buy Now! $3.00

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party Review

This book offers no one an opportunity to undergo an epiphany in regards to one's personal ideology. It is not a book claiming to present some new, untold, or uncovered insight into the political depravity of the Democrats. What the book provides is a brisk retelling of the obstructionism that has become the bedrock upon which the current democrat party rests. Simply stated, Limbaugh manages to recounts the Democrats recent inability to offer any constructive new policies, or meaningful opposition. If you are a democrat, I am truly sorry for the absence of any news ideas among your fellow travelers. It must be rough to stomach the fact that you stand for nothing other than hatred of W. Limbaugh highlights the fact that the democrats stand for little more than that, and in doing so, portrays one of the key reasons that Congress is failing to accomplish any one of the pledges it made in the 2006 campaign.

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party Overview

The Democrat Party, best-selling author David Limbaugh claims, has sold itself to left-wing extremists, losing its mind and soul. Limbaugh charts how the Democrat Party, unable to come to grips with the Clinton scandals, unable to accept the defeat of Al Gore in 2000, and unable to accept its current minority status, has embraced a politics of ideological hate and nihilism.

With his trademark bull’s-eye analysis and common sense, David Limbaugh offers a sobering and shocking portrait of a Democrat Party too morally and intellectually bankrupt to serve our country.

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Customer Reviews

The down fall of the Democratic Party - James W. Stephens - Graceville, FL
If more American's would do there homework on the parties, Haussan would not be the president. The democratic party has fine tuned the art of LIEING. The present problems are all because of BILL CLINTON. In my view the worst president we have ever had.

tell me the difference - K. piercy - chi town
Bad timing for this book considering the Bush Administration is much worse when it comes to moral bankruptcy. Yes, Bill couldn't keep it in his pants (btw what are the new figures on men cheating on their wives?), but George lied about a war (and don't give me this crap that the Intelligence community was just wrong when the Bush Admin made stuff up to make their case look better) so really I think we have to realize that our country is morally bankrupt b/c we elect people that we ultimately associate with. This "city on the hill" attitude is quite comical considering we are the most violent/sexual nation in the world yet David (hanging on the coattails) Limbaugh doesn't address are own short comings - you can't have a book about an administration w/o discussing the people that put them there. In the last 16 years we've put in an arrogant sexual deviant and a murderer/torturer in the most powerful position in the world. Does that really surprise anyone considering what we enjoy - sex and violence?

The Title Says it All - John R. Poirier - Belle Mead, New Jersey United States
A Tour de Force by David Limbaugh, detailing in entertaining prose the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Marxism that animates the modern DemocRatic Party.

Bankrupt - E. Unsdorfer - England
this is a very good read the Democrats are found wanting in this book. all the lies and backstabbing. you will find out that the democrats can't ever be held responsible with the country until the secular progressive are driven out. brilliant read highly recommend it!!!!!

Refurbished Kindle Tempering Chocolate

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Misstating the State of the Union: Right-Wing Media Distortions About the Clinton and Bush Presidencies Buy Now! $0.01

Misstating the State of the Union: Right-Wing Media Distortions About the Clinton and Bush Presidencies Review

I'm a big fan of Media as an indispensable resource for fighting back against right wing disinformation. The mission of the website is to highlight the lies and hypocrisy of Republican pundits and politicians. Personally I can only handle so much Conservative tripe before I feel sickened so I tend to be an infrequent visitor but when I do stop by I'm always amazed at how comprehensive, scrupulously researched and well crafted the site is. It's clearly a partisan site but as long as the researchers stay honest I don't have a problem with partisanship.

`Misstating the State of the Union' is sort of an extension of Media Matters in that the author uses quotes from pundits and politicians in order to shed a spotlight on the disingenuous nature of people like Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Shawn Hannity, and Michael Savage. Misstating is a rather brief book at 146 pages that tackles a lot of different topics. It talks about economics but `Neoconomy' did it better. It talks about the culture war but `What's the Matter with Kansas' did it better. It talks about science but `The Republican War on Science' did it better. What the book does well is offer quick point by point refutations of Republican claims on just about every major issue of the last five years from global warming to gay marriage. The two sections I found most informative were the chapters on Health care and Education. The author also did a good job of disproving the theory that Republican's are tough on crime while Democrats are soft.

Perhaps the biggest strength of the Right is a complete lack of shame. Shame causes you to avoid lying and when you're caught in a lie shame causes you to recant the lie or at least stop repeating it. The final chapter of the book is titled `No Sense of Shame' and this is perhaps the defining feature of this generations GOP. Republican's have become so consistent in their mendacity that it's no longer shocking or even mildly surprising to hear a Bill O'Reilly quoting studies that don't exist or Limbaugh giving out numbers on the cost of education that are plucked out of thin air. When caught in a lie they simply repeat it believing they can literally reshape reality by altering perceptions. Luckily Media Matters is there to collect and catalog the garbage. If you're a progressive who needs a quick guide for composing arguments to defend liberal values `Misstating the State of the Union' is a great place to start.

Misstating the State of the Union: Right-Wing Media Distortions About the Clinton and Bush Presidencies Overview

Misstating the State of the Union reveals a simple truth that the media too often obscures: By every objective measure, the Clinton presidency was immeasurably better for America than the Bush presidency. Yet an army of conservative pundits have conspired to lie to the public about both the Clinton and Bush records, denying the proven success of progressive policies and leadership while shamelessly covering up abject conservative failures. This book dissects the conservative misinformation campaign to distort and discredit the progressive agenda point by point, while unmasking the dark ideological agenda and rank dishonesty behind all the cable TV and radio hot air.

From Rush Limbaugh's claim that the federal government spends three times as much on education as defense (the truth: the government spends five times as much on defense as on education) to Sean Hannity's dismissal of air-quality concerns ("This is silly") to Ann Coulter's attacks on the elderly ("39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security"), Misstating the State of the Union concisely refutes many of the most dangerous right-wing lies in circulation in this political year, using sound logic, incontrovertible fact, and illustrative charts and graphs.

Misstating the State of the Union is the first book produced by Media Matters Action Network, the advocacy organization associated with Media Matters for America, a new not-for-profit web-based research and information center in Washington, D.C. that monitors, analyzes, and corrects conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. In just a few short months, Media Matters for America, founded by David Brock, author of Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative and The Republican Noise Machine : Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy, has established itself as a key resource on conservative misinformation for both producers and consumers of news. Visit and get involved in holding the news media accountable.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Buy Now! $4.70

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Review

Al Franken speaks truth (with a none too gentle humor) to rightwing liars. We need many more like him to counter the tsunami of rightwing talking heads that get away with all manner of slander and egregious lies in their efforts to program the sheeple to comply.

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Overview

Move over P.J. O'Rourke! From Al Franken, America's premier liberal satirist, comes a hilarious homage to the wonderful, awful, and always absurd American political process that skewers a whole new crop of presidential hopefuls--just in time for the 1996 presidential election. "(Franken is) responsible in part for some of the most brilliant political satire of our time".--John Podhoretz, New York Post.

Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot Specifications

Rush Limbaugh claims his talent is on loan. With this book, Franken demonstrates that he owns. The frankly Democratic author's shtick reminds us how much of a free ride conservatives have gotten in the mainstream media. For instance, he really drives home the weirdness of the conservatives' preachiness about "family values" in light of Newt Gingrich's and Bob Dole's first marriages, and Rush Limbaugh's first, second and third marriages. And he has great fun with Rush's and Newt's miraculous draft deferments in a chapter where he imagines all of the great conservative "chicken-hawks" out on a Vietnam war patrol under the leadership of Ollie North.

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Customer Reviews

narcissism at its best - Kathryn Bengtson - Cheshire, CT
Obviously, this author has some serious ego issues, perhaps narcissism. He is so full of himself and its repulsive. He has failed at what Rush continues to flourish in. Thats the joke. And his other book, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," his face should of been on that cover and also Pelosi, Obama, and Dodd. I couldn't bear to read this nonsense for more than 5 minutes before I was close to vomiting.

I'm a fan of Rush's - Digger's Domain - Minneapolis, MN
So obviously I don't like this book - but that doesn't mean I don't think it shouldn't be read.

In order to make a decision about anyone, you need to see both sides of the issue. Then, it should be easy to see that issues are black and white, someone is right and someone is wrong.

I lean a little on the side of Rush Limbaugh.

If you've got a Kindle, check out The Rush Limbaugh Report. "I listen to Rush Limbaugh, so you don't have to."

Heh heh. Okay, I just wanted to get in that line, which I think is a clever one. But seriously, before making any judgments about Limbaugh, actually listen to his program for a couple of weeks. Yes, he has some annoying schticks, but overall he makes a lot of sense - if you're the kind of person who dreams of America not as it ever was but as it was supposed to be - the ideal, Americns of all races, creeds and colors, legal immigrants, et al, standing on their own two feet and making this country great.

i wonder - PANTERA - gainesville ga.
I wonder how many copies of this book would have been sold WITHOUT the use of "RUSH" in the title.
Conservative principles are ideal regardless of the lifestyles of its proponents.

Know Your Enemy - Rupert Lynus -
Al Franken does not provide ample arguments to dissuade the conservative argument. Turns out that he is the idiot, not rush. There's a reason why his radio show was not only cancelled, but the entire network folded.

Magic Coffee Mugs Latte Coffee Mugs

Thursday, October 28, 2010

In the Light of Scripture Buy Now! $11.00

In the Light of Scripture Review

I just finished reading, "In the Light of Scripture: Why Christians Shouldn't Vote for Liberals." It is a well-reasoned argument, backed up with copious scripture references, and quotes from our founding fathers. It brilliantly lays out the evidence that liberal ideology is in direct contrast to Jesus' teaching, and the intentions of those who crafted our founding documents. My favorite chapters were, "God is Pro-Choice, Liberals Aren't," and "The Government Ain't Your Daddy."

The author is up front with his own opinion on the matter, but backs up every point solidly with evidence from scripture, quotes, and news references. His "Endnote" list of references is twelve pages long. The author could have taken a "doom and gloom" approach to situations facing our country, but maintains a determined optimism that God is in control. Liberalism is only the latest entity to attack God, faith, and America, and it will not be victorious in the end. However, we must not sit idly by. God requires action from us, to be good stewards with the freedom and tools we have been gifted in this great nation. This is a must read for every Christian, and every voter.

In the Light of Scripture Overview

What is possibly the one thing that Christians can do that would have a positive impact on our country today? They can stop voting for liberals. In The Light Of Scripture: Why Christians Shouldnt Vote For Liberals takes an in-depth look at why casting a vote for a liberal politician is harmful to our society. Exciting new author Artie Gross takes a look at how Christians are influenced when making their voting decisions and offers insight into how those decisions should be made. Liberal ideas are contrasted with biblical viewpoints on issues such as abortion, marriage, war, and Israel. The importance of not allowing liberals to control the Supreme Court and our schools is brought about with information that will make you stop and think about the direction our is country going. This book takes an unapologetic look at the vast differences between Christianity and liberalism. In no-holds-barred fashion, Artie brings out facts that every Christian should consider regarding the Bible versus liberal policies and explains the consequences of liberal politicians being allowed to make decisions at the local, state, or federal level. Whether you are a Christian or not, this book is a must read if you have any concern for the future of this country. In The Light Of Scripture: Why Christians Shouldnt Vote For Liberals is a dynamic insight into the liberal mindset that every American must be willing to confront. Artie Gross has been employed by the Michigan Department of Corrections for ten years. He earned bachelor degrees in history and psychology from Morehead State University in 1994. He has been involved in local politics and has several ministry duties at Bethany Assembly of God in Adrian, MI. Artie lives in Adrian with his wife, Danielle, and their two sons, Luke and Dale.

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Ingrid Betancourt Books Reviews

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Buy Now! $14.99

Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Review

A very well written book about Comrade Obama and his ability to distroy the US. This book is very well written with all facts back upped. There is a 200 pages of footnotes to back up every point that is pointed out in this book by David Limbaugh The book covers: Obamacare, the take over of the auto industry and Government Motors, to what they have done with Wall Street.
Comrade Obama has basically shoved his agenda down the peoples throats and this books walks you through each detail. This is very much Chicago politics and running the country towards socialism.
Great read and needs to be read by every true American. As this book details how Comrade Obama is simply distroying the United States.

Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781596986244
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Overview

As Americans, liberty is an inalienable right that is granted to us by God, protected by the Constitution, and upheld by our government. Yet, Barack Obama doesn’t seem to share that view. To him, liberty is a threat to the government’s power and something to be squashed by any means possible, as bestselling author David Limbaugh shows to devastating effect in his new book, Crimes Against Liberty. In Crimes Against Liberty, Limbaugh issues a damning indictment of President Barack Obama for encroaching upon and stripping us of our individual and sovereign rights. Laying out his case like he would a criminal complaint, Limbaugh presents the evidence—count-by-count—against Obama. From exploiting the financial crisis for political gain, to restricting our personal freedoms through invasive healthcare and “green” policies, to endangering America with his feckless diplomacy and reckless dismantlement of our national security systems, Limbaugh proves—beyond a reasonable doubt—that Obama is guilty of crimes against liberty. Comprehensive and compelling, this is Limbaugh’s most powerful book yet.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto Buy Now! $1.85

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto Review

I was shocked, when reading Mr. Levin's book, to find myself very accurately described when he talked about the classic conservative who works hard, goes to church, takes care of his family and votes with the expectation that his elected officials will do what they should. He made it clear to me that looking at politics as a spectator sport is no longer appropriate.

I decided that I needed to get active in politics in my own home town. I went out and ran for local office. I posted my local application/adaptation of his points on my campaign website.

Mr. Levin does a very good job of detailing what it really means to be a conservative today. This book will help anyone discern between those who claim the conservative mantle and those who actually live it.

I bought and read this book on my Kindle.

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781416562870
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto Overview

When nationally syndicated radio host Mark R. Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny appeared in the early months of the Obama presidency, Americans responded by making his clarion call for a new era in conservatism a #1 New York Times bestseller for an astounding twelve weeks. As provocative, well-reasoned, robust, and informed as his on-air commentary, with his love of our country and the legacy of our Founding Fathers reflected on every page, Levin’s galvanizing narrative provides a philosophical, historical, and practical framework for revitalizing the conservative vision and ensuring the preservation of American society.

In the face of the modern liberal assault on Constitution-based values, an attack that has resulted in a federal government that is a massive, unaccountable conglomerate, the time for reinforcing the intellectual and practical case for conservatism is now. In a series of powerful essays, Levin lays out how conservatives can counter the tyrannical liberal corrosion that has filtered into every timely issue affecting our daily lives, from the economy to health care, global warming to immigration, and more.

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Customer Reviews

Great read by one of the most entertaining talk show hosts of all time! - Kenneth L. Jenks - Anna, TX USA
If you want an explanation of the differences between the Democrats (or all ruling-class politicians) and the Conservatives, there is not a better read. Mark Levin highlights what have been my own life experiences in this book that all political science students should be taught from. Thank you Mark for writing a book that lays out the belief system of Conservatives. Read this book, or better yet, listen to the audio version in Mark's own voice, and the proverbial "light" might just come on for you. It might help you understand that it is our freedom, not our government, that made this the greatest country in the history of planet Earth.

A MUST READ for all Americans! - Linda A Feidler - Idaho Springs, CO
Profound but an easy read. Mark Levine succintly profiles the differences between Liberty and Tyranny. He accurately educates the reader what the founding fathers and this country stood for when the Constitution was written and what this country has become. Americans, read this book!

Mark Levin. Simply the best! - Ohio Patriot -
Mark has been ahead of the curve on warning America about the coming tyranny. This book sums it all up and gives guidance on stopping the onslaught. Thanks, Mark.

Great Book - Don't Miss this One! - Gregory J. Brazina - Northeast Ohio
Mark Levin hits a big home run with this book! A must read for all true Americans. You're not a real American just because you're on our soil....understand? If you don't like it here, quit trying to change things and go to another country!!

Robert Jordan Books Reviews Live Journal roxann98

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Buy Now! $14.25

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Review

Books about Our Current Political Problems

This is an interim review to advise anyone interested that I have ordered and received a number of books through Amazon; each one is about President Obama and is the author's effort to expose and describe the shocking mess into which Obama has brought us. The books include "The Blueprint: Obama's Plan..." by Blackwell and Klukowski, "The Case Against Barack Obama..." by Freddoso, "The Post-American Presidency..." by Geller, "The Manchurian Candidate" and the most recent book by David Limbaugh.

Probably any one of these would cover the subject well enough for the average reader. I am interested to see if there are any significant differences between any of these books and also which specific items receive the most attention and which books present the most clear and fair view. At the same time I will be testing the claim by those introducing Limbaugh's book that it provides the most comprehensive collection of Obama's devious and insidious actions. Each book made my "buy list" after I had read the preface and perhaps the introduction, looked at its table of contents and scanned its index. I have found this to be a quick and reasonably valid and reliable way to determine whether a book is worth reading.

When I have finished reading any book on my list I shall write a brief review of it; after I have read the last book I shall write a comparative review of all of them.


The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781935071877
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Overview

The book uncovers a far-leftist, anti-American nexus that has been instrumental in not only helping build Obama's political career but in securing his presidency. Klein details with shocking precision how this nexus continues to influence Obama and the White House and is involved in drafting policy aimed at reshaping our country. Highlights of The Manchurian President: *Obama's mysterious college years unearthed *Shocking details of Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers and other Weathermen terrorists *Obama's ties to Islam and black liberation theology *Startling facts about Obama's eligibility to serve as president *Obama's membership in a socialist party probed *How Obama's "hope," "change" slogans stem from communist activism *Radical socalists involved in drafting stimulus bill, ObamaCare *Communists, socialists and other radicals on team Obama, including an expose on Obama's top guns in the White House *Never-before-revealed depth of Obama's relationship with ACORN

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Customer Reviews

So sad - A reader - New York
So sad that people in this country don't seem to be able to have honest disagreements about policy without resorting to this type of guilt-by-association smears.

So maybe you don't like forcing health care companies to cover older students or making the banks hold more capital? OK, but do these policies actually make Obama a Stalinist-Communist-Kenyan-Muslim (as if those weren't contradictory) or whatever the hateful word of the day is?

I remember the days when we had heated but honest debate about policy. Now, thanks to 24 hour hate TV, we seem to have degenerated into kindergarten-style name-calling and baseless accusation.

I wonder what people 100 years down the line will say about this sad and shameful time.

Terrible - Roger - Southofsanity,U.S.A.
Another of those right-wing trash books full of outright lies, and Fox news based propaganda.
It just boggles the mind how trash like this makes it to hardcover and then distributed. Then a whole gaggle of "readers" go on Amazon and give it rave reviews.(wink)
I loved the birther chapter. So tell me geniuses: How did Obama ever play sports in school? How did he get into college? How was he able to take his bar exams? How did he obtain a drivers license? Get a car loan? Mortgage? marriage certificate?Did this guy just plunk himself down from outer space?
Please...just wait until this sad waste of space makes it to the cut-out bin, and plunk down your dollar if you must.Otherwise, rent a movie and have a beverage. This ain't worth your time.

The truth and nothing but the truth - Barbie Doll - beverly Hills, Ca.
If you're an Obama fan, then it's important that you read this book. There is so much that they should have printed before the election that everyone should know. The lies....the deceit...they're all in this book. If you don't care that America is turning into a socialist country and you are losing your freedoms, then you are open to communism. Obama is not what he is trying to make you believe what he is.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rush Hudson Limbaugh and His Times: Reflections on a Life Well Lived Buy Now! $13.50

Rush Hudson Limbaugh and His Times: Reflections on a Life Well Lived Review

Rush Hudson Limbaugh and His Times: Reflections on a Life Well Lived Overview

The inspirational Rush Hudson Limbaugh possessed a strength of character, a bedrock integrity, that both commanded respect and endeared him to all who knew him. He rose from humble beginnings to great achievements and prominence in his chosen profession of law.

These four interviews with Limbaugh, and the biographical sketch by his son, Federal Court Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr., reveal a good man, a Christian man, who at age 99 when the interviews occurred was living an extraordinary life of achievement and service. He dedicated his life to service to his family, community, and profession until his death in 1996 at age 104.

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Ingrid Betancourt Books Reviews

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Buy Now! $17.26

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Review

Thomas Sowell's Dismantling America, while deceptive in its simplicity, contains profound and timeless lessons for all of us. Mr. Sowell, through multiple examples, demonstrates sophisticated economic and moral concepts frequently distorted by the media and politicians, and draws the reader back to time tested common sense ideas taken for granted by earlier generations. We would do well to relearn these philosophical and economic lessons, if we are to survive as the nation we once were.

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780465022519
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Overview

These wide-ranging essays—on many individual political, economic, cultural and legal issues—have as a recurring, underlying theme the decline of the values and institutions that have sustained and advanced American society for more than two centuries. This decline has been more than an erosion. It has, in many cases, been a deliberate dismantling of American values and institutions by people convinced that their superior wisdom and virtue must over-ride both the traditions of the country and the will of the people.

Whether these essays (originally published as syndicated newspaper columns) are individually about financial bailouts, illegal immigrants, gay marriage, national security, or the Duke University rape case, the underlying concern is about what these very different kinds of things say about the general direction of American society.

This larger and longer-lasting question is whether the particular issues discussed reflect a degeneration or dismantling of the America that we once knew and expected to pass on to our children and grandchildren. There are people determined that this country's values, history, laws, traditions and role in the world are fundamentally wrong and must be changed. Such people will not stop dismantling America unless they get stopped—and the next election may be the last time to stop them, before they take the country beyond the point of no return.


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Customer Reviews

Great Book - Mike Russell - Germany
My first Thomas Sowell book. I found it an easy read and thought provoking. Readers should be aware this is a compilation of previously written articles so there are some repeated opinions, phases and statements. I recommend this book to anyone who is new to politics or maybe trying to make sense out of the current political and economic situation.

Think About It - jaco7 -
Dr. Sowell is one of the few lucid minds left in america. This collection of essays will enlighten any mind that is not locked in liberalism.

Vintage Sowell - joan -
This is vintage Sowell. Crisp clear writing. Vivid images. Powerful arguments. The only complaint I can make is that these essays are more pessimistic than Sowell's earlier essays and thus depressing but he clearly lays out his reasons for pessimism. This is a must read.

Jeff Kinney Best Books Reviews Daniel Hannan Books Review

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Buy Now! $14.74

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Review

Read the book. It's outstanding. Thirty to forty percent of Democrats today are hard left tin cup liberals and would vote for ANYONE with a D after their name. They simply are simpletons. Useful idiots. Look at any poll. No Democrat will ever poll under 30-40 percent. The useful idiots or simpletons won't allow it. They have no flexibility, no sense, no moral direction, hate God and Jesus, hate the constitution, want to kill babies by the millions, hate our military, hate and are afraid of guns and the shooting sports, love political correctness and hate America as it once was and what the founders like Jefferson, Franklin and Madison wrote into the US constitution and Bill of Rights, think we are the cause of non-existent "climate change". And we are supposed to take their insane posts on this comment page seriously? No Thanks. They are irrelevant without the other fifteen to twenty percent of real American democrats. You remember the old Democratic Party don't you? That's the party of Scoop Jackson, JFK, Harry Truman and Sam Nunn. You remember them. Honest opposition we respected, not the anti-America progressive-liberal morons that infect the Democratic Party today like Obama, Polosi and Reid. The Democrat Party (i.e., liberals, progressives, Marxists, socialists) is the culture of corruption. The liberals that post here are comparable to the "loyalists" during the Revolutionary War and we know what happened to that kind of scum. They would not fight for our freedom.They were sent packing and tarred and feathered. They objected to a free America. Sound like someone you know? Look in a mirror. Scratch a reactionary, Democratic leftist like those that infest this board, find the fascist writhing underneath. The one star people commenting here are the problem. They are too dumb to realize it.

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781596985971
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life Overview

Liberals control congress and the White House. Next on the agenda: your life.

If the Obama administration has one overriding objective—tying together health care “reform,” non-stop meddling in the economy, and hard-Left Supreme Court appointments—it is that big government should make decisions for you. When it comes to how you live your life, Washington bureaucrats know best.

Or so they tell us.

Nationally syndicated columnist Terence P. Jeffrey tells a different story. Jeffrey reveals how liberals are trying to transform America from the limited government of the Founding Fathers into the unlimited government of liberal control freaks.

Jeffrey dissects the relentless liberal attack on every freedom the Founders fought to secure for us, from where and how you live, to your right to criticize your representatives, to what you believe and teach your own children. Provocative—and thoroughly researched and documented—Control Freaks sounds the alarm that Barack Obama and the liberal establishment are stealing our liberties—and shows why we need to wake up and do something about it while they can still be stopped.

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Customer Reviews

Eye-Opening - Dan The Man -
I really enjoyed reading this book. I especially liked the parts about FDR & his court-packing plan, which essentially made liberal judicial activism the law of the land for a generation. I highly recommend this book.

Great title - Archdlux - SC
A good summary of the many, and sometimes subtle, ways these power-hungry maniacs seek to lord over your life.

It's On the Way! - Leonard F. Harview -
Here's another 5 star rating without having read the book as of yet (Just ordered the book off Amazon). My absolute respect for Brent Bozell and the MRC in exposing the treasonous bias and far left wing protectionism provided by the mainstream media is enough for me to pre-judge. Here's hoping for a whacking in the mid-term elections and then on the 2012. Can't wait to hear how the mainstream media reports the hopeful massacre of these out of touch incumbents and non-constitutionalists.

Black Coffee Mugs Reviews Review Flattening iron Online Low Price Jeff Kinney Best Books Reviews

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears and Deceives Buy Now! $0.95

Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears and Deceives Review

If you read the more critical reviews of this book, you will note that the vast majority of them resort to personal attacks which would make Al Franken proud.

Those that do not...simply use the exact same talking points Franken himself uses to "refute" Skorski. Ironically, these reviewers do not address what the book actually says.

Now, a review of the book, which I HAVE read.

This is, to be frank, a book years ahead of its time. Al Franken has long styled himself as a sage of the Left who tells the truth (with jokes), while exposing the lies (and the lying liars who tell them) of the Right.

To be honest, a red flag should have gone up in the minds of readers everywhere, when in the author-note to his book of Lies (From The Lying Liar Who Tells Them), Franken writes, "Thanks to TeamFranken, you can rest assured that almost every fact in this book is correct. Either that, or it's a joke. If you think you've found something that rings untrue, you've probably just missed a hilarious joke, and should blame yourself rather than me or TeamFranken."

Apparently, his book is full of "jokes".

As Skorski, and others, have pointed out, this is Al's convenient excuse whenever an untruth, however major, is detected in his portfolio. Of course, the consequences of this "humor" often prove to be severe, as far as the hearts and minds of his fans are concerned.

Skorski's book is not perfect: his refutation of Al's "minimum wage" numbers is not the best. (For a far better rebuttle of Al's typical "Rush-pulled-the-numbers-from-his-butt" talking point, see the article on this at "lyingliar-dot-com") Nonetheless, his hard-hitting and detailed research of Franken's biggest claims and smears makes this one flaw pale by comparison.

I strongly recommend this book. You may not agree with all the conclusions Skorski draws...but your mind WILL be challenged, as will everything you thought you knew about one of the biggest names in political "satire" of today.

That's all. Thanks for reading.

Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears and Deceives Overview

Al Franken was a "nobody" in the arena of political punditry before he wrote two best-selling books, Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Now one of the most prominent figures on the liberal Air America radio network, formed to counter the mostly conservative voice of mainstream talk radio, he consistently boasts "I tell the truth" and "I hold myself to an impossibly high standard when it comes to telling the truth."

Until now, says Alan Skorski, Franken's continuous smears against his enemies while promoting himself as the "ultimate truth teller" have gone unchallenged by the mainstream media. Surprisingly, even conservative or right-leaning media have not challenged the falsity of much of what he says, although Franken does not define what he believes is a lie, except to say that conservatives "get away with it." In contrast, Skorski defines a lie as "intentionally telling an untruth with the purpose of trying to cover up or get away with something," which he then accuses Franken of doing with impunity.

Alan Skorski has researched the facts regarding the allegations in Franken's last two books, monitored his daily radio show, spoken with people cited and referenced in Franken's books, and exchanged approximately 30 e-mails with Franken in order to provide readers with an accurate insight into how Franken thinks and operates. What Skorski finds is something very different from what Franken claims, and he concludes that, unlike many of the petty "lies" Franken writes about in his books—whether Bill O'Reilly's Inside Edition show won a Peabody or a Polk award or whether Ann Coulter said that she and Franken were "friendly"—...Pants on Fire reveals that Franken himself regularly lies, smears, and distorts what others say and do, ultimately discrediting himself as a "truth teller."

Indeed, according to Skorski, while Franken has called many people—from Rush Limbaugh and Brit Hume to President Bush—a "liar," "hypocrite," "cheater," "lazy," "shameless," and/or "dishonest," ...Pants on Fire amply illustrates not only that many of his claims are false but that Franken employs the very tactics he accuses the right of using.

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Michael Swanson Books Reviews

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Buy Now! $17.15

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Review

Thomas Sowell's Dismantling America, while deceptive in its simplicity, contains profound and timeless lessons for all of us. Mr. Sowell, through multiple examples, demonstrates sophisticated economic and moral concepts frequently distorted by the media and politicians, and draws the reader back to time tested common sense ideas taken for granted by earlier generations. We would do well to relearn these philosophical and economic lessons, if we are to survive as the nation we once were.

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780465022519
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Overview

These wide-ranging essays—on many individual political, economic, cultural and legal issues—have as a recurring, underlying theme the decline of the values and institutions that have sustained and advanced American society for more than two centuries. This decline has been more than an erosion. It has, in many cases, been a deliberate dismantling of American values and institutions by people convinced that their superior wisdom and virtue must over-ride both the traditions of the country and the will of the people.

Whether these essays (originally published as syndicated newspaper columns) are individually about financial bailouts, illegal immigrants, gay marriage, national security, or the Duke University rape case, the underlying concern is about what these very different kinds of things say about the general direction of American society.

This larger and longer-lasting question is whether the particular issues discussed reflect a degeneration or dismantling of the America that we once knew and expected to pass on to our children and grandchildren. There are people determined that this country's values, history, laws, traditions and role in the world are fundamentally wrong and must be changed. Such people will not stop dismantling America unless they get stopped—and the next election may be the last time to stop them, before they take the country beyond the point of no return.


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Rick Riordan Books Reviews

Monday, October 18, 2010

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies Buy Now! $7.52

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies Review

This is a book that everyone should read so they will understand that our country is headed for socialism if this "party" isn't cast aside. Take a look at those who were selected to "govern" our land; tax cheats, communists, socialists, those who had a debt to be paid, ad nauseam. By the way, this book is a non-fiction and based on documented fact.

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781596986206
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies Overview

Barack Obama’s approval ratings are at an all-time low. A recent Gallup poll found that half of the Americans polled said Obama did not deserve a second term. Weary of the corruption that gushes from the White House faster than a Gulf Coast oil spill, voters are ready to put a cap on smear campaigns, pay-to-play schemes, recess appointments, and Chicago politics.

In the updated paperback edition of her #1 New York Times bestselling book Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, Michelle Malkin says, “I told you so,” citing a new host of examples of Obama’s broken promises and brass knuckled Chicago way.

Culture of Corruption proves once again this isn’t just any politics. It’s “boodle”-clogged, dissent-squelching, redistributive Chicago politics. The 2010 elections promise to be an anti-corruption referendum for the history books. “After all,” Malkin says “You can’t reform corruptocrats, but you can vote them out.” New revelations in the updated Culture of Corruption:

How Obama has declared war on independent government whistleblowers—with unannounced firings, smear campaigns, and forced silence—when their findings expose his political allies.
How First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity is less about reducing our youths’ waistlines and more about swelling SEIU coffers with nearly 400,000 new food service workers.
How, despite the exposure of ACORN’s illegal practices and subsequent defunding, ACORN still remains—and why the Obama White House remains tight-lipped on the future of ACORN.
How Obama is using recess appointments to install politicos when both Democrats and Republicans have torpedoed the nominations.
How the White House is manipulating key races across the country, including endorsing such candidates as Alexi Giannoulias—a mob-linked, scandal-tainted banker from Obama’s hometown.

Powerful, damning, and comprehensive, the paperback edition of Culture of Corruption reveals the ever-growing mountain of sleaze and self-dealing that the Obama administration would rather you not know.

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Customer Reviews

Very enlightening - Cricket7 -
Michelle - always honest and for this book, as always, has really done her research!

culture of corruption - tommyboy -
very good and informative! lots of facts i never knew bout some of the people in our government. some shocking!!!!

Too many books - Helen Sherwood -
When I ordered I somehow ordered two books. When I tried to change the order the program would not let me correct the order. Now I have one more than I want, how can I send one back and where to.

Michelle is always right on target.

Helen Sherwood

John Grisham Books Reviews Nora Roberts Books Reviews

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated Buy Now! $8.77

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated Review

Actually I am writing this message because I have been trying for three days to order some items from I now have three items in my shopping cart that I cannot order because every time I click on the 'go to checkout' button I get a page that notifies me that 'the program cannot display this page.' I cannot find a single place on your website that will allow me to contact you and so I have resorted to this extreme measure. Why do you not allow contacts for people who have these kinds of problems? Please let me know, if you can, what is causing this problem and how to correct it.

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781439188965
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated Overview

“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Long before his conservative manifesto Liberty and Tyranny became a #1 New York Times bestseller, Mark R. Levin's love for his country was instilled in him by his father, Jack E. Levin. At family dinners, Jack would share his bountiful knowledge of American history and, especially, the inspiration of Abraham Lincoln.

The son of immigrants, Jack Levin is an American patriot who responded with deep personal emotion to Lincoln's call for liberty and equality. His admiration for the great Civil War president inspired him to personally design and produce a beautiful volume, enhanced with period illustrations and striking battlefield images by Matthew Brady and other renowned photographers of the era, that brings to life the words of Lincoln's awe-inspiring response to one of the Civil War's costliest conflicts.

Now Jack Levin's loving homage to the spirit of American freedom is available in an essential edition that features his original foreword as well as a touching new preface by his son, Mark Levin. In this way, Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Illustrated celebrates the passing of patriotic pride and historical insight from generation to generation, from father to son.

The day following the dedication of the National Soldier's Cemetery at Gettysburg, Edward Everett, who spoke before Lincoln, sent him a note saying: “Permit me to express my great admiration for the thoughts expressed by you, with such eloquent simplicity and appropriateness, at the consecration of the cemetery. I should be glad, if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in two minutes.”

Lincoln wrote back to Everett: “In our respective parts yesterday, you could not have been excused to make a short address, nor I a long one. I am pleased to know that in your judgement the little I did say was not entirely a failure.”

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Michael Swanson Books Reviews

Friday, October 15, 2010

From Lead Mines to Gold Fields: Memories of an Incredibly Long Life.(Book review): An article from: California History Buy Now! $9.95

From Lead Mines to Gold Fields: Memories of an Incredibly Long Life.(Book review): An article from: California History Review

From Lead Mines to Gold Fields: Memories of an Incredibly Long Life.(Book review): An article from: California History Overview

This digital document is an article from California History, published by Thomson Gale on March 22, 2007. The length of the article is 586 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: From Lead Mines to Gold Fields: Memories of an Incredibly Long Life.(Book review)
Author: Ronald H. Limbaugh
Publication:California History (Magazine/Journal)
Date: March 22, 2007
Publisher: Thomson Gale
Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Page: 75(2)

Article Type: Book review

Distributed by Thomson Gale

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Stieg Larsson Books Review David Sedaris Books Reviews Refurbished Kindle

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Buy Now! $17.42

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Review

Thomas Sowell's Dismantling America, while deceptive in its simplicity, contains profound and timeless lessons for all of us. Mr. Sowell, through multiple examples, demonstrates sophisticated economic and moral concepts frequently distorted by the media and politicians, and draws the reader back to time tested common sense ideas taken for granted by earlier generations. We would do well to relearn these philosophical and economic lessons, if we are to survive as the nation we once were.

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Feature

  • ISBN13: 9780465022519
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dismantling America: and other controversial essays Overview

These wide-ranging essays—on many individual political, economic, cultural and legal issues—have as a recurring, underlying theme the decline of the values and institutions that have sustained and advanced American society for more than two centuries. This decline has been more than an erosion. It has, in many cases, been a deliberate dismantling of American values and institutions by people convinced that their superior wisdom and virtue must over-ride both the traditions of the country and the will of the people.

Whether these essays (originally published as syndicated newspaper columns) are individually about financial bailouts, illegal immigrants, gay marriage, national security, or the Duke University rape case, the underlying concern is about what these very different kinds of things say about the general direction of American society.

This larger and longer-lasting question is whether the particular issues discussed reflect a degeneration or dismantling of the America that we once knew and expected to pass on to our children and grandchildren. There are people determined that this country's values, history, laws, traditions and role in the world are fundamentally wrong and must be changed. Such people will not stop dismantling America unless they get stopped—and the next election may be the last time to stop them, before they take the country beyond the point of no return.


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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Icons of Talk: The Media Mouths That Changed America (Greenwood Icons) Buy Now! $29.98

Icons of Talk: The Media Mouths That Changed America (Greenwood Icons) Review

Although the book sometimes reads like a textbook, I was impressed with its objectivity and conciseness. I particularly enjoyed the chapters on Howard Stern, Johnny Carson, Dave Letterman, and Jay Leno. The book covers talkers from both radio and television and provides great insight to America's most influential broadcasters.

Highly recommended.

Icons of Talk: The Media Mouths That Changed America (Greenwood Icons) Overview

Americans love talk shows. In a typical week, more than 13 million Americans listen to Rush Limbaugh, whose syndicated radio show is carried by about 600 stations. On television, Oprah Winfrey's syndicated talk show is seen by an estimated 30 million viewers each week. Talk show hosts like Winfrey and Limbaugh have become iconic figures, frequently quoted and capable of inspiring intense opinions. What they say on the air is discussed around the water cooler at work, or commented about on blogs and fan web sites. Talk show hosts have helped to make or break political candidates, and their larger-than-life personalities have earned them millions of fans (as well as more than a few enemies). Icons of Talk highlights the most groundbreaking exemplars of the talk show genre, a genre that has had a profound influence on American life for over 70 years.

Among the featured:

· Joe Pyne

· Jerry Williams

· Herb Jepko

· Randi Rhodes

· Rush Limbaugh

· Larry King

· Dr. Laura Schlesinger

· Steve Allen

· Jerry Springer

· Howard Stern.

· Oprah Winfrey

· Don Francisco

· Cristina Saralegui

· Tavis Smiley

· James Dobson

· Don Imus

Going behind the scenes, this volume showcases the techniques hosts used to motivate (and sometimes aggravate) audiences, and examines the talk show in all of its various formats, including sports-talk, religious-talk, political-talk, and celebrity-talk. Each entry places the talk format and its hosts into historical context, addressing such questions as: What was going on in society when these talkers were on the air? How did each of them affect or change society? What were the issues they liked to talk about and what reaction did they get from listeners and from critics? How were talk hosts able to persuade people to vote for particular candidates or support certain policies? Which hosts were considered controversial and why? Complete with photographs, a timeline, and a resource guide of sources and organizations, this volume is ideal for students of journalism and media studies.

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Customer Reviews

I'd like to buy it - Daniel Thompson - Winter Park, FL, USA
I want to read this book, and I'll buy it when it's .99 on Kindle. Not going to pay more for an ebook.

Magic Coffee Mugs Black Coffee Mugs Reviews John Sandford Books Reviews

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Over the Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane

Over the Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane Review

As someone who is slightly left of center, and who is interested in the various hate groups that have sprung up since 2008 I knew that just had to get a copy.

I was not disappointed! Although the authors are slightly to my left, I nevertheless found what they asserted to be fair. They go into how even before the election of Obama in 2008 that various groups on the fringe right were already supporting Ron Paul for President, and Paul's ties to these groups.

The book also shows how cynical corporate and RNC interests are using the populistic tea baggers, through such things as "Astroturfing"

The book cities the "Southern Poverty Law Center" as demonstrating that since the 2008 election there has been a dramamatic rise in the "Patriot Movement" and forming ties to such as "Stormfront" and various "Skin Head" and "Neo Nazi" groups.

What I found really scary, though was a description of how several "skin heads" very nearly pulled off the assination of Barrack Obama at the 2008 Democratic National convention in Denver CO.

When a group skinheads acquired scoped rifiles,false ID's, forged checks, disguises, everything one would need to carry out a hit. Only to be "dimed out"
by thier girlfriends.

You must get this book, whatever your politics!!

Over the Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane Overview

Over the Cliff examines the right wing’s eagerness, especially in the aftermath of President Obama’s election, to invent and propagate stories that are provably false. Noting that such stories are disseminated in large part by mainstream-media figures like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Lou Dobbs, the authors link that kookery to a wave of lethal violence and threatening behavior. They also explore the main drivers of this descent into nonsense, including a resurgence of extremist groups and the longtime Republican strategy of exploiting racial and cultural resentment. Finally, Over the Cliff details ways ordinary Americans can resist the madness.

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Customer Reviews

Not One Footnote? - D. S. Bornus - St. Paul, MN
Although this book is an interesting chronicle of conservative fringe elements spewing mythology about Obama, I was disappointed that this book has not one single footnote - thereby undercutting any credibility it may have. It is well-written and readable, but seems like a cut-and-paste job from an online blog rather than trustworthy journalism. The mythology it criticizes on the right is not adequately countered by mythology spun on the left. To be fair, the same standard must apply for both sides. It's unfortunate that the authors don't cite their sources. This seems like an example of sloppy online pseudo-journalism posing as solid documentary.

The examples of myth-making this book describes will only subside when we the reading public insist on journalistic integrity from both sides, whether we agree with them or not.

Over the Cliff - Patti Kimble - Emmons, MN, US
I knew most of what was in the book but a lot of it was new. I enjoyed the book very much.

Excellent content, distracting organization. - J. S. Walsh - Missouri
I have no complaints about the content of the book. I thought I had been made aware of the most egregious examples of the Professional Right's noise machine. However, this book had dozens of examples of which I was previously unaware and I found those examples nothing short of vile. If you're looking for lots of fact-rich content detailing the Right's pseudo-hysteria, this book has lots of examples for you to use.

Still, I found the organization of the book to be distracting. One topic seemed to veer off into a side tangent, with another tangent, and then another, with little warning or explanation. Personally, I would have preferred some sort of overarching organization instead of the scattershot approach used by the authors.

I also prefer my fact-based content to come with citations, you know, within the book itself. That is not the case here. The paperbook comes with an insert which tells me that the source notes are available online with a web address. But I don't understand why the authors or the editors couldn't have simply used footnotes like any other compilation of facts.

Had the organization or the citations been better for me, I would have rated it higher.

Dog bites man - J. Davis - San Diego, CA United States
The authors argue the American right has way overreacted to Obama's election. I have no argument with their thesis. I live in a conservative city and just a few days ago I overheard some Birthers a few days ago complaining Obama isn't a citizen. Nonetheless,I still don't think the book was that good. There's nothing new or revealing in Over The Cliff. The events it described have been reported widely in the mainstream media. The right wing hysteria--the disruptions at the health care forums, the overheated rhetoric at the Tea Party rallies, the outrageous statements by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc... are pretty well known to anyone with cable TV or Internet access. I can't recommend spending money on this book.

Apple iPod Touch

Monday, October 11, 2010

Why We Whisper: Restoring Our Right to Say It's Wrong Buy Now! $3.00

Why We Whisper: Restoring Our Right to Say It's Wrong Review

This is one book every American should read. It's only about 200 pages but many of the current ills of our country are explained here. Give it a try. Not the fastest read because there are tons of facts and details but the message is clear - we need to stand up for our values and bring back ethics in our classrooms and boardrooms. In trying to "be nice" to everyone, our lawmakers and judiciary have taken away our morals - making it okay to behave badly. This has corrupted our country. Read the book. Speak up. Protect our right to freedom of speech with everything you have. Without it we are America no more.

Why We Whisper: Restoring Our Right to Say It's Wrong Overview

Americans today live in the greatest nation the world has ever known. Never before has a country been the producer, and beneficiary, of so much wealth and freedom. But with great success comes even greater responsibility. Part of the American legacy is to pass our values to our posterity, as well as to future generations in other nations. To meet this responsibility, the next generation must understand what made America great, what is working, what is not working, and how to improve all the ideas that contributed to past success. No factor is more important in this task than our freedom of speech. This right is both a means and an end to improving and strengthening the nation.

Why We Whisper is about free speech in America, but not "freedom of speech" as it is often defined today. It is not the freedom to practice destructive behavior or to produce obscene material. This book is about freedom of speech as it was intended by the visionaries who designed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment empowers Americans to join the public and political debate with their ideas and values, including those traditional ideas and values that have made America great. This fundamental freedom is under attack, and unless principled Americans fight back, our grandchildren and future generations around the world will receive a greatly diminished inheritance.

United States Senator Jim DeMint and Professor David Woodard compellingly demonstrate that through court rulings, bureaucratic pronouncements, and well-intentioned, but ultimately unhelpful laws, secular values have allied with government authority to dismantle the ideals of a moral and decent nation. A country once confident of its values and optimistic about its future is now pessimistic, nervous, and confused. Traditional American institutions like the Boy Scouts, churches, businesses, college campuses, and public schools are routinely targeted for attack and government regulation. As a result, morally responsible, patriotic Americans are forced to withdraw into the shadows of public opinion, where their freedom of speech is reduced to whispers. The positive influences and societal protections of tradition are routinely ignored by the new secular elites who have been ensconced with government power and are now anxious to advance their agenda.

Americans have watched as moral relativism and secularism savaged education, law, religion, business, and traditional notions of proper behavior. If government allows, protects, and even subsidizes destructive behavior, social problems will lead to the decline, and ultimately the fall, of the United States. The authors warn that Americans must no longer allow this cultural decline. We must expect and demand government to promote positive behavior that is aligned with our historical and cultural principles. Those in authority must not only encourage but listen to, embrace, and institutionalize the whispers of the muzzled majority of Americans, and rediscover the values that made the nation exceptional in the first place.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying The Military and Endangering Our Security Buy Now! $15.00

Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying The Military and Endangering Our Security Review

Buzz Patterson, a former Air Force Lt. Col. who worked in the Bill Clinton White House carrying the codes for the nuclear football, has even less use for Barak Obama than he did for Bill Clinton. And that is a real counter-achievement. So, if you are an admirer and a supporter of Obama this book will almost certainly upset you.

However, if you want to understand how deep the roots of radicalism are in Obama and why he has governed as radically as he has, this book will be most interesting to you. If you also want to understand how the radical transformation Obama has been trying to push on America is dangerous for our security, I think you will find this book valuable.

The first two chapters explore the radical influences Obama that shaped Obama's youth and the radical associations he brought with him to the Whitehouse. This is very valuable information, especially the exposure of the vast influence of George Soros, and I wish it had been more explicitly stated during his run for office. But everyone was so busy painting him as a moderate they had this stuff under a coat of whitewash.

The next two chapters contrast Obama's image for intelligence, sophistication, and persuasiveness with the reality of his ineptitude, brittleness, crassness, divisiveness, and penchant for force against political opponents and appeasement for our nation's enemies. He would rather bow to foreign leaders than reach across the aisle and compromise his radical agenda.

Chapter 5 explains why using the military as a social experiment in trying to normalize societal attitudes towards homosexuality is dangerous to our security.

The Conclusion of the book discusses how Carter, Clinton, and now Obama have been terrible commanders-in-chief and how their policies encouraged the Jihadists rather than mollified them. The author then provides the "Long war" timeline from the rise of Khomeini in Iran to June 2010 so we can see how all these "isolated incidents" are really of a piece and part of our enemy's strategy.

This is not a long book. The actual text by the author is only 137 pages. Appendix One is a 100 page reproduction of a document by the Center for Security Policy that is quite valuable. It takes us through the day by day security policies and actions of the Obama Administration. When you read them in this fashion the radical agenda of the Obama team becomes clearer and why it is dangerous becomes apparent. You get to see behind the managed media and the obfuscations of this administration.

Appendix Two is another 100 page document: Obama's National Security Strategy. You have to read this to believe how lame it really is. Basically, his plan is to have America become just another nation among nations, accept a world order instead of enhancing our sovereignty, and put all the bad actors into an international time out until the want to work and play well with others. Does this sound good to you? Do you think our looking sternly at people like Hugo Chavez, the Iranian Mullahs, North Korea, or even China carries the least weight? The international state of nature is not a fraternal order where there are accepted norms and shared values no matter what was scribbled on any number of pieces of paper.

Reviewed by Craig Matteson, Saline, MI

Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying The Military and Endangering Our Security Overview

In Conduct Unbecoming, Lt. Col. Robert Patterson—New York Times bestselling author and former Senior Military Aide to President Clinton—exposes how President Barack Obama’s national security policies are weakening our military and endangering America’s safety. From underfunding and misusing the military to his “Apology Tour” across Europe and the Middle East, President Obama has made America more vulnerable with both our allies and our enemies. In Conduct Unbecoming, you’ll discover:

How Obama is not listening to his generals’ recommendations on Afghanistan
How Obama’s first two acts as Commander-In-Chief weakened our national security and military
How Obama’s feckless diplomatic efforts with other countries are severely threatening our national security

Shocking and controversial, Conduct Unbecoming reveals how Obama's disregard for the military and a strong foreign policy is exposing us to unprecedented risks in the 21st century.

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Customer Reviews

Outstanding - SMJAN -
When I cracked this book open I was prepared for what I read only because I knew before Obama was elected what we could expect. Obama never lied about what he wanted to do. Many misinterpreted his words. Now we see he really meant everything he said. Is a man a product of the friends he surrounds himself with? Look at Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Look at how he was raised and who raised him. This is a man who has no one clue about what the United States is all about, nor does he have the slightest connection to the "common" man.
His disregard of the Military, his hogtieing of our intelligence community and his allowing a hard leftist race baiter such as Eric Holder to become the nation's top lawyer proves that Obama not only does not care about the United States, our security, he also has some strange need to force a collective guilt trip down our throats for slights that most likely were formed in the imaginations of his parents, and his mentors. One of those mentors should cause all of us to pause. His name was Frank Marshall Davis, a poet, and member of the Communist Party USA which was a Soviet backed party. He also was on the FBI's list of subverives for decades. Just that relationship alone would make Obama ineligable for any access to security clearances. Add his friendship with Bill Ayers and we have another real question that Obama will never answer truthfully. Barack Obama is not only cooly interpreted correctly by Col. Patterson, the President is also put into context. The author asks how did people get so fooled by Obama? That is a question that after reading this book we should all ask ourselves. Especially those who voted for him.

A Must Read by Patterson - Jeffrey Flight - Colorado, USA
"Conduct Unbecoming" is edification to how liberal and detrimental Barak Obama is to the United States. Robert "Buzz" Patterson has a unique insight to behind the scenes of the Oval Office as illustrated in "Dereliction of Duty". HIs credibility is reinforced as he clearly does his research and first hand interviews with US Troops serving in Iraq. Patterson takes a refreshing approach and does not worry about political correctness.
"Conduct Unbecoming" is a book that cannot be put down until the last page is read. I thoroughly enjoyed the added "Long War" timeline, Appendix 1 (Are You Safer), and Appendix 2 (National Security Strategy) at the end of the book. This book will come off the self frequently as accurate reference material.
Thanks to Robert "Buzz" Patterson for is work and providing all of us with solid arguments against the Left.

Worth reading - Kirk L. - Maryland, USA
When the America-hating leftist and democrat sycophants, apologists and idealogues (or as Mark Levin calls them- the drones) get wind of this book, they'll be here in force to give it 1-star reviews and publish screeds about the author and his motivations. However, before that happens, I'll say that Lt. Col. Patterson lends a credible voice to what is going on in our armed forces under the current administration on behalf of those who are not able to speak out and voice their opinions on what is happening in the military and national defense.

He covers a lot of ground in succinct fashion, starting with the president's background and education: the people, countries and cultures who shaped his worldview and perhaps serve as the real motivation behind his decisions and actions to date.

I won't say much more, but if you liked Patterson's previous works, this one is on par. I still remember how he had to post copies of his written job evaluations in his book on President Clinton showing that he had top-of-the-line ratings so smear merchants couldn't chalk his manuscript up to bitterness over bad job reviews or insinuate that the author was incompetent and not fit for service. No, Patterson is an accomplished former military professional who loves his country and is concerned about our future given recent events.

I found the book to be evenly paced, readable and pretty depressing, to be honest. Pay close attention to the ties to radical figures and their hardcore beliefs that run contrary to traditional American values. The enemy could lay in wait from within, so pay close attention and use this book as a springboard to being more of an active player in the nation's future, because those who sit and do nothing could find themselves confronted with a radically different America from the one they grew up with and whose values they cherish.

So, with that in mind on this solemn commemoration of 9/11-- let the unhelpful votes to this review given by our lefty pals (who would never even bother to read the book) commence!

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