Monday, September 20, 2010

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Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity Review

In this season of GOD'S BIRTH and GOD'S LOVE, I want to tell you all about why the book is necessary!!! CHRISTIAN persecution at this time of year is rampant!
I believe GOD inspired Mr. Limbaugh to write this book! All lovers of GOD and JESUS need to buy a copy! And one for everyone of their families and friends! With every passing year the GOD haters gain more and more ground and pollute it with their vile, Satan inspired liberal garbage ideas. We TRUE CHRISTIANS are a persecuted and set upon by the atheist hoard from all directions! We need to fight back and teach these GOD haters that our CHRISTIAN nation will not tolerate their evil ways!

In my very own home town, two families, one Jewish (JESUS killers) and one atheist (GOD haters) complained over and over about our town's lovely CHRISTmas town hall decorations. With the backing of the ACLU and some other evil atheist group, they bullied the town with the threat of lawsuits. So we had to move the nativity into the front yard of the Christian family living next door! GOD bless them for taking it! Praise JESUS! We had to move it a whole 15 feet to the east! What a travesty. And last year, some GOD hater swapped the blessed baby JESUS with the black lawn jockey across the street. Sick. How long must the righteous suffer this persecution before we stand up and demand for it to be stopped???!!!

And the CHRISTmas light display. They told our town we either had to put a sign by the CHRISTmas tree saying "Holiday Tree," or take the lights off. As for all the lights on the property....we had to waste 4 hours of city workers' time removing all the green and red bulbs from the strings and replacing them with other colors. This is sick, just sick, since all good CHRISTIANS know Jesus wore red and green robes, and HE is insulted by the removal of those bulbs.

It would have taken much longer to remove the bulbs, but for the help of GODLY people from the local churches coming out to help, and chipping in the .24 need to pay for new bulbs. We got the last laugh about the bulbs, though, by stringing up the rows of only red and green lights around the crèche of the BLESSED JESUS next door. Neighborhood children stopped to watch and some were crying. They couldn't believe anyone would insult OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS in that way. Their tear streaked little faces nearly broke my heart.
However, a couple of GODLY church members (bless their generous souls), gave them all hot chocolate with cross shaped marshmallows and promised to take them to the local abortion baby-killing mill next week and let them hold up signs of bloody fetuses for an hour. And if they were really good, to pass out Chick Tracts. That cheered them right up.

The liberal media is attempting to cover up events like this in all our towns! In the next town over, those disgusting gays arranged the CHRISTmas bulbs in the lights on *their* city hall to put them in rainbow order. And no one listened to the complaints! It never made the news! It makes me want to throw up. I might even email Bill O'Riley. And don't even get me started about the store circulars that don't say CHRISTmas! Every day I pick through my mail and return all of the GOD hating ones back to sender with a tract taped to it. Sometimes I even write bible verses over Satan inspired ads, like fancy ladies' undies, low cut blouses and football shaped phones. An abomination! And my verses always come straight from my King James Bible, because if it was good enough for JESUS, it's good enough for me!

So buy this book and do whatever the author says...before it's too late! GOD bless you! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity Overview

In this New York Times bestseller, David Limbaugh exposes the liberal hypocrisy of promoting political correctness while discriminating against Christianity. From the elimination of school prayer to the eradication of the story of Christianity in America from history text-books, this persuasive book shows that our social engineers inculcate hostility toward Christianity and its values in the name of "diversity," "tolerance," and "multiculturalism."

Limbaugh explains through court cases, case studies, and true stories the widespread assault on the religious liberties of Christians in America today and urges Christians to fight back to restore their First Amendment right of religious freedom.

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Customer Reviews

Persecution - J. Lindner - Gem Lake, MN United States
David Limbaugh's account of how the American political system is anti-Christian is both insightful and problematic at the same time. As with most conservatives, he places the blame for all that ails the conservatives on the "liberals" in the legislative and judicial system. If only these liberals didn't exist, Limbaugh may conclude the world would be perfect.

Limbaugh begins his study with the education system, where Christianity is blocked at every turn. He correctly points out that Chirstian teachings were always part of the American education system, from the New England Primer right to the Bible as a textbook. What he doesn't acknowledge is that there was really no other alternative in most communities, so they used the books they had. He also fails to recognize that an education system is far more complex than teaching kids about Adam's fall. It was the Age of Enlightenment that actually bred the political criticisms of the established order and it wasin that framework that our founding fathers first developed their ideas of freedom and democracy.

If the Bible were still the focal point of our education system, there would likely still be an argument for slavery and little advancement would be made in science. Limbaurgh conveniently forgets that there is more than just a religious aspect to our education system. If parents seek religious instructuion for their children, there are private schools. People who can't afford private schools need to find their own way to instruct their kids.

The problem with Limbaugh's decision to blame the liberals for everything that's supposedly wrong with America is that he fails to accept any responsibility for the damage conservatives bring to the process. The world is not so black and white that one can argue conservatives are good and liberals are bad (or the other way around if that is your persuasion). For every liberal like the late Ted Kennedy, there is a Jack Abramhof or Tom Delay. Too often advocates of one political party fail to see the forest for the trees and just blame the other side for all that is wrong. What's wrong is the party system that builds up these polemics.

Not everything about the liberal tradition is as bad as Limbaugh says, nor is everything the conservatives advocate beneficial. There are always going to be groups with different opinions. If we took religion to the extreme of, say Saudi Arabia, we would have a police force that would do nothing but ensure Christian principles were followed, but who then defines what Christianity really is? In a nation of 300 million people, there will rarely be consensus across the board.

Limbaugh is a lawyer and it shows from the outset. SOme of his arguments are well-defined while others gloss over or rely on allegations. He should have done a better job in tracking down a dozen or so really solid arguments than gloss over facts and linclude sheer volume. In the end, this book is written for a crowd that will believe every word. It preaches to a choir that is already in agreement, but it does little to persuade and win over new converts.

The Truth - Stephen F. Bingell - Whiteriver
I bought this book when it first came out. I read it, liked it, and was abhorred by the fact-filled missives within. I was reading some of the hundreds of posts, and would like to say something to the hate-filled folks who are so totally against Christians and their morals. If you don't want to hear what we have to say and write, then I believe you have every right to ignore us and walk away. I spent 20 years in the military supporting the Constitutional rights of every one in America. I despair over the fact that I cannot have the same benefits, such as free speech, as the anti-Christian person, without being castigated, dishonored, and pummeled by the same. It is a shame that we haven't learned anything over the years...if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything! As a strong Christian, my viewpoint is maligned at every opportunity. Unfortunately, I keep my religious beliefs to myself, only exposing it to like-minded companions. I do not consider myself a paragon of virtue, but I do know when to keep my mouth shut. If you don't want to 'believe' as I do...then DON'T. That is what this country was designed for...following what is in your own heart. I will not say I pray for the hate-mongerers, because I don't want my faith sullied by ignorance. Mr. Limbaugh wrote this book so that others can have an idea that hate is happening all over, he just points to one certain aspect of this...bashing Christians. Yes, I know the arguments about how the Christian religion has caused more death than any war, but one thing the anti-Christians are forgetting....the 'Christians' who did these things are the ones that will have to answer the the Supreme Being of the universe. I, too, must answer for my sins and despairs...but no one else's sins and despairs. Paul, and Jesus, both impress upon the faithful that we each have our own burden to carry....and my burden is too heavy to carry part or all of other people's burdens as well, past and present. If this offends anyone, I am truly sorry, but if you are offended, why are you reading posts for such an eye-opening book that unashamedly illustrates cases that support the title?
Kindest regards,
Stephen F. Bingell

This book is illegal in 51 countries - Robert Mccauley - Lansing, MI
It isn't illegal in the US, but don't think that would never come. Christianity is under attack and people get away with trashing Christianity but wouldn't think to do such a thing to Islam, Buddhism, Jewish, even Hindu. But Christians, no problem. And in case you didn't think judges are out of control in the country, read in Introduction. Wow. Threatening immediate arrest and incarceration for saying anything remotely resembling a prayer and even using the name God in a high school valavictorian speech. Iran? No, USA. Do you think that judge would have said that to a Muslim? Never, nor should he a Christian or ANY theist. Persecution is great.

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