Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Check Out The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists for $12.50

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Review

We have a stranger in the White House and he is hell bent on OUR destruction! For his and his elitist left cohorts, power, control and financial wealth are their rewards for destroying our Country and our very lives. The Manchurian President is one of the completely honest and in-depth look at the "President" and those he surrounds himself with. It will shake your very soul and change the way you look at our government, the Anti-American people who are actually writing our laws and changing our society for the worst. You didn't honestly think our Congress and Senate wrote the Country killing policies we are facing today, did you? Aaron Klein has done the hard work of investigating and reporting, you just have to follow through and read this wonderful book and follow up with the footnotes. Bravo for his bravery!

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Feature

  • ISBN13: 9781935071877
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists Overview

The book uncovers a far-leftist, anti-American nexus that has been instrumental in not only helping build Obama's political career but in securing his presidency. Klein, with Brenda J. Elliott details with shocking precision how this nexus continues to influence Obama and the White House and is involved in drafting policy aimed at reshaping our country.

Highlights of The Manchurian President:

*Obama's mysterious college years unearthed

*Shocking new details of Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers and other Weathermen terrorists

*Obama's ties to Islam and black liberation theology

*Startling facts about Obama's eligibility to serve as president

*Obama's membership in a socialist party probed

*How Obama's "hope," "change" slogans stem from communist activism

*Radical socalists involved in drafting stimulus bill, ObamaCare

*Communists, socialists and other radicals on team Obama, including an expose on Obama's top guns in the White House

*Never-before-revealed depth of Obama's relationship with ACORN

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Customer Reviews

The truth and nothing but the truth - Barbie Doll - beverly Hills, Ca.
If you're an Obama fan, then it's important that you read this book. There is so much that they should have printed before the election that everyone should know. The lies....the deceit...they're all in this book. If you don't care that America is turning into a socialist country and you are losing your freedoms, then you are open to communism. Obama is not what he is trying to make you believe what he is.

The Manchurian President - Antonio R. Matta -

The book is difficult to obtain in bookstores however Amazon had several available at a very attractive price.

Delivery was amazingly fast .

Excellent service.

Your Mom always told you this stuff - Chicago vet -
This book is not an easy read, but a very important one. With an impressive amount of footnoted research, Aaron Klein has defined the numerous Communist and Socialist ties in the raising of our White House occupant. Read, absorb, and be very frightened. It runs deep. And, don't let all the super-intellectuals over-yak this stuff. Just remember what your Mama always told you. YOU ARE KNOWN BY THE COMPANY YOU KEEP. True then, true now. And one statement that no one can call racist. Just good old common sense folks. Read the book

Jimmy Carter Books Reviews

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