Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"I Hope He Fails" Buy Now! $14.27

"I Hope He Fails" Review

"I Hope He Fails" Overview

Although a truly pivotal moment in America's democracy, the election of Barack Obama as the first African American President of the United States of America has served as a catharsis for the resurgence of hate groups in the United States. These hate groups are fueled by the rightwing media. Daily, far-right radio and TV talk show hosts can be heard and seen spewing out their poisonous venom against the President. From Rush Limbaugh stating he hopes the President fails, to Glenn Beck calling the President a racist, these self-proclaim "defenders of American values" and "great Americans" take pride in fanning the racial fires in the country and they are getting filthy rich in the process! The author gives a somber and revealing look at how the rightwing media have join forces, and established a Legion, in their attempt to destroy the Presidency of Barack Obama.

Available at Amazon

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