Thursday, November 4, 2010

Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department Buy Now! $4.05

Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department Review

The two greatest organizations for enforcing the law under the Clinton and Reno administration politicized the law, weakened justice, and brought politics under the influence of big business because political parties� differences eroded to a point where a single individual�s influence in the party was considered minimal; the goal of such erosion was to reduce polarization of ideas, allowing increased influence from the special interests groups; the special interests groups used money to open import businesses, get contracts, buy weapons, gain most-favored-nation status, decrease legal penalties and soften constitutional intent.

David Limbaugh hedges towards demonstrating how the Clinton and Reno administration found loopholes in the law, extended the interpretation of the law, used obscure laws to establish precedents, bombarded their opponents using trial-lawyer-rhetoric and accusatory, false witnesses as diversionary tactics, and pitted the United States against the United States by creating conflicting interests within government organizations; thus, the Justice Department became a political arm of the Executive Branch. The cases are: Waco (military usage in civilian affair), Linda Tripp (privacy act violation), Campaign scandal (soft money in the Democratic National Committee (DNC)), discrediting of Kenneth Star (conflict of interest), Elian Gonzalez (political pressure to overturn the courts). Waco is a wake up call! Clinton would say the incident at Waco was a tragedy, but he could not control a fanatic who decided to kill himself and everyone at Waco. A review board analyzed the government�s handling of Waco and found no wrong doing. Limbaugh presented a different story and revealed a number of blatant lies.

Why attack Koresh? Koresh's original name was Veron Howell. The Koresh group was a break-off, apostate, dissenting group from the original Seventh Day Adventist organization. Divisions occurred over the doctrine of spiritual (White: Something happened in heaven) versus physical (Davidic throne) manifestation of Christ�s second coming and the particular date this event would occur. Howell claims to be the seventh messenger for the seventh seal as recorded in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) becomes involved in watching the activities on the Waco (Mount Carmel, TX) compound. Dispute over ownership occurs between Howell and Roden; Roden forces the ATF to petition for US military assistance because Roden has set up a methamphetamine lab, but at the time of the petition, the lab was dysfunctional; Roden challenged Howell to a contest to determine who was God; Howell had a sexual relationship with Lois Roden, who was sixty, thinking she was like the biblical Sarah, and he would produce offspring with her; Roden digs up a 20-year-dead corpse and challenges Howell to bring the corpse back to life; Howell declines; Howell reports Roden�s activities to the authorities; Roden is charged with contempt of court; Howell gains possession of the property and the followers; Howell changes his name to David Koresh; Koresh claims to be the Messiah to bring about the end-of-time prophecy; reports of Koresh beating children surface (he boasts 17 wives and 11 children, many of the wives were under-aged); Marc Breault, a disgruntled member, prods the sheriff to take action; Child Protective Services becomes involved; June 9, 1992, ATF begins an open investigation. Dummy hand grenades were discovered, there were purchases of aluminum and black powder, and evidence of 40,000 AR-15 rifles (convertible to a machine gun). The Fed does not prohibit possession of a machine gun; however, it does require a registration for each weapon, a registration Koresh did not complete. A warrant is obtained based on this evidence; Koresh is seen leaving the Mount Carmel premises, no arrest is made because a dynamic raid is preferred; Koresh was tipped off according to Robert Rodrigues, 76 agents staged the raid, they were exposed to Koresh during unload, but no shots were fired.

The 1878 Posse Comitatus Act restricted military involvement in civilian law enforcement because military is used to fight wars, not enforce the law, with the exception of drugs; there was evidence surfacing the Koresh residents were anticipating a peaceful resolution; Reno justified force because she believed 1) there was no reason to believe Koresh would voluntary come out 2) the health and jeopardy of the children were at risk 3) the Hostage rescue team was fatigued; the hostage rescue team wanted action, and the experts urged caution. The two groups were at odds with each other, but eventually, the team acted. A tank pushed through a wall and either knocked over the kerosene lamps, starting a fire, or Koresh committed mass suicide. Why would Koresh murder his people? He had not finished his mission. The tactics employed by the Hostage Rescue team follow a military strategy, and casualties are expected; "strike first, strike hard, no compromise" is the message. Why was a military force strategy employed in a local, law enforcement situation?

Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department Overview

This is the best-selling account of corruption and abuse in the Clinton Administration.

Available at Amazon Check Low Price !

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Customer Reviews

I find it interesting - Dennis Thompson - Orlando,Fl
People who complain about the truth never have any facts to back it up. Womnder why? Those Facts do not exist. If the David Barrett report is ever realeased...Hillary and Bill will be in line for a prison term.

The truth is out there. Facts are out there and David L has put out a book that people who want truth and can think for themselves will find.

Its interesting because in the past 6 months so much had come out. Facts regarding WMD's and Al Quaeda's ties with Iraq. The tuth needs to be spoken and this book speaks out loud and clear. A must read.

Lazy Clip Job - Cioran Sellers - NYC
Well of course this is biased nonsense. What did you expect? That's not my trouble with this book, as I expect nothing less from Rush's little brother. What did depress me was how lazily thrown together it was, like maybe Rush had a few of his interns dig up some Washington Times articles for David to weave together into a partisan rant. Also a tad distressing was the lack of any sort of historical perspective, on say what Ed Meese got up to let alone Nixon's crook Mitchell. (Though again this is standard party trick of right wing hacks so no surprise.) I am vaguely interested in whether David actually believes this stuff, as "The Legacy of Corruption" has the whiff of utter cynicism and making a buck off the rubes...

I HATE BILL CLINTON ........ - Randall - Long Beach, California USA what the title of this book should read. Limbaugh clearly has an agenda here. If your republican you'll love this, if your democrat you'll hate it. Big surprise!!

Absolutely Enthralling! - Britt Gillette - Chesapeake, VA United States
A nationally syndicated columnist and bestselling author of two books, David Limbaugh performs the duties the mainstream media used to perform decades ago with his page-turning expose "Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department". Few non-fiction books in the past ten years have held me captive like this one.

During the 1992 campaign, and throughout the Clinton presidency, Americans heard reports of various Clinton administration improprieties. Sometimes, as was the case with Monica Lewinsky, we actually witnessed the scandals unfold. But rarely would the mainstream media afford the public more than a cursory overview of such activities. Simply put, David Limbaugh does the job the mainstream media should have.

With chapters that run the gambit on such topics as Waco, the Tobacco Wars, Billy Dale and The White House Travel Office, Monica Lewinsky, presidential pardons to benefit Hillary's Senate campaign, and Elian Gonzalez, Absolute Power is one of the premiere historical records cataloguing the innumerable scandals that plagued Bill Clinton's presidency. Surprisingly, readers will find little commentary. I can find no instance of the author offering his own opinion. Instead, his book reads like a newspaper description of a public event (or at least in the days before liberal media bias). The book contains extensive footnotes and source references, quoting FBI agents and high-ranking officials on the record by name, rather than by quoting "anonymous sources"...

The result is a genuine breath of fresh air. I was fifteen when the storming of the Waco compound took place. Yet despite the abundance of media coverage, I knew few details regarding the incident itself and the people surrounding it before reading this book. David Limbaugh fills in the details about the life of David Koresh, the history of Waco, and all of the other topics previously listed in a way the major media outlets have failed to do since those events occurred.

Readers of Absolute Power will be left breathless by its vivid illustration of a presidential administration willing to use the courts and agents of federal law enforcement to achieve its own political ends. Had David Limbaugh published this book just one year earlier, no American would have been surprised by Al Gore's attempts to circumvent election law in Florida. Although, optimist that I am, I'd like to believe that had this book been published one year earlier, the 2000 presidential election would not have been so close...

Britt Gillette
Author of "The Dittohead's Guide To Adult Beverages"

Ingrid Betancourt Books Reviews

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